How can you find user custom fields in the new sidebar navigation?

We used to have this:

But the dashboard no longer has that.

Now we have this:

I’ll admit to being an old man who doesn’t like change. But I’ve looked and looked. I tried searching and filtering, but those don’t help. If there’s a way to navigate to /admin/customize/user_fields I’m not finding it.

If you search for “custom” you can find appearance (that goes to /admin/customize/components). And plugins. They don’t help.

I’m cool with the sidebar, but why remove the perfectly good navigation bar from the top? Not everyone who’s using this started a year ago. And now the same bar is there, except that it has only “admin > dashboard” on it. (oops. That’s not true.)

I finally found it, by searching “user” and then found it, under COMMUNITY/User fields. Community seems like a bizarre heading. But no, I don’t have a better one.