How do existing Discourse end-users link Patreon?

All the instructions on both Discourse and Patreon’s site instructs end-users to claim benefits by registering a new account via Patreon. What about veteran/existing end-users, or those that register via an alt login type (Facebook, etc)?

PS - can we add this answer to the Patreon setup docs, too?

How does Discourse know a user is a Patron if they never linked the account in some form?

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It can’t, you would need to make the association. Presumably it works the same way as other social accounts in the users profile?

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You can’t connect new social accounts unless you register

EDIT: Whoa, it does exist - but I can’t find this on my forum, even when updated to the latest. I wonder why? O__O


My forum doesn’t have this section. How do I add it?


Have you enabled Patreon in your site settings in admin/site_settings/category/plugins and entered your details?


Yep - we actually have multiple logins, including Patreon, but none of these “associated accounts” appear in profile:

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Wait, I found the reason (not solution) here:

It’s suppressed when 2FA is enabled. --@Falco

…but this means that activating 2FA, which is highly recommended, kills off essential features to make Patreon (or any connection) work?

TL;DR: 2FA kills off “associated accounts” section, including Patreon?

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Apparently, this feature got approved in 2018, but does not seem to be working (unless there’s some setting I checked to hide it, but I cannot find such):

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To add, this is what new users see to register:


However, this is all that shows up to a user that doesn’t have 2FA:


Only FB? Discord may have been a 3rd-party plugin (I can’t recall - why this associated account link would be off-topic), but Patreon is the official plugin – how come there’s not a Patreon connect link for existing accounts?

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