I know this is rather old, but as the Ask Fedora discourse site starts to get to several years old itself, I’m thinking about this issue. That forum is for end-user troubleshooting, and while some topics are evergreen (and spelunking in the past often somewhat useful to figure out if something is a new problem, or maybe even some history of why it is like it is), the earliest topics are from the Fedora Linux 29 era. We’re about to release Fedora Linux 36, and quite a bit has changed.
I think I’d like for topics which are from very old releases (in our move-fast timeframe, say, from more than three years in the past) to:
- move out of site search results except when asked for
- definitely move out of being suggested as similar topics!
- maybe be hidden from Google search? not sure.
- no more replies, but…
- more prominent
+ New Topic
link so people who do find it and have something to say can refer to it easily
(Actually, um, that last one seems like it’d be nice for Closed posts!)