How to add unique text below each category image?

How to add custom text when class for each category is same , like if i want to add some text below .category-logo.aspect-image img it will add custom text to all categories , how to add unique text below each category image , i tried adding new class to each category and then added text with class::after it is working fine but it only shows after reloading page every time

  document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
    $(function() {
      var categories = [
          logoUrl: "/uploads/default/original/1X/4a4fcfc",
          line1: "SOME TEXT",
          line2: "<a href='' style='color: #646464;'>WWW.ATALANTA.COM</a>"
          logoUrl: "/uploads/default/original/1X/4a4fcfc",
          line1: "SOME TEXT",
          line2: "<a href='' style='color: #646464;'>WWW.ATALANTA.COM</a>"
        // Add more objects for other categories
         logoUrl: "/uploads/default/original/1X/4a4fcfc",
          line1: "SOME TEXT",
          line2: "<a href='' style='color: #646464;'>WWW.ATALANTA.COM</a>"
         logoUrl: "/uploads/default/original/1X/4a4fcfc",
          line1: "SOME TEXT",
          line2: "<a href='' style='color: #646464;'>WWW.ATALANTA.COM</a>"
        logoUrl: "/uploads/default/original/1X/4a4fcfc",
          line1: "SOME TEXT",
          line2: "<a href='' style='color: #646464;'>WWW.ATALANTA.COM</a>"
      logoUrl: "/uploads/default/original/1X/4a4fcfc",
          line1: "SOME TEXT",
          line2: "<a href='' style='color: #646464;'>WWW.ATALANTA.COM</a>"

      $(".category-heading").each(function(index) {
        var category = categories[index];
        var $logoElement = $(this).find(".category-logo img");
        var $descriptionElement = $("<p>")
          .html(category.line1 + "<br>" + category.line2)
          .addClass("custom99"); // Add your custom class name here


Hi Pushpender!

It could be achieved with SCSS:

$categories: 13 12;
$labels: "first label" "second label";

@each $category, $label in zip($categories, $labels) {
  .category-title-link[href$="/#{$category}"] .category-logo.aspect-image:after {
    display: block;
    content: $label;

Please try this code and tell me if it does what you want.
I suggest using IDs to identify categories, as their slug can change. IDs, however, will always stay the same.
You can add comments in your CSS to write down which category ID is related to which category name.


Still not working

  1. Category slug is /c/staff/3
  2. Image URL is /uploads/default/original/1X/8dd2540613b1bec241a29373562a06edab93ec25.png
  3. I want to add custom text below each category (total 7 categories) image like below

Here is how it looks on my test instance:

Is that what you want to achieve?

If this is the case, this information is irrelevant, except for the category ID next to the slug.

This is different page. I want to add text inside the category page 'like when you click on the General category on your forum and then you will see topics page where we have category image and description on the top. i am using air theme

From homepage page

to inside categories page this is where i need to add text below category image

Oh, I see. :slight_smile:

You can still use a pure SCSS solution using category slugs:

:information_source: If you want to add line breaks in the text, put \A inside your text, and add white-space: pre; in the :after pseudo element properties.

$categories: "nature", "general";
$labels: "All natural!\ANaturaaal!" "Another text";

@each $category, $label in zip($categories, $labels) {
  body.category-#{$category} .category-heading .category-logo.aspect-image {
    max-height: none;
    &:after {
      display: block;
      content: $label;
      font-size: 1.25em;
      color: var(--primary-700);
      white-space: pre;
      text-align: center;


working great really appreciate your support ,I tried everything from CSS to JavaScript , just one more query i want to add 2 lines how to add line break or add text below first text

All natural!!

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I updated my answer to add this information.

I also added .category-heading in the selector to prevent subcategories from having the same text under their image, and removed the max-height from the image container because it may hide the text below the image.

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