How to bring in Latest topics when using category boxes

I was close to giving up then I just used this code.

And changed the json path to /latest.json

<script type="text/discourse-plugin" version="0.8">
  const ajax = require('discourse/lib/ajax').ajax;
  const Topic = require('discourse/models/topic').default;
  // We're using ajax and the Topic model from Discourse

  api.registerConnectorClass('below-discovery-categories', 'featured-topics', {
    // above-main-container is the plugin outlet,
    // featured-topics is your custom component name

    setupComponent(args, component) {

      api.onPageChange((url, title) => {
        if ((url == "/") || (url == "/categories") ){
        // on page change, check if url matches
        // if your homepage isn't /latest change this to /categories
          // add a class to the HTML tag for easy CSS targetting

          component.set('displayfeaturedTopics', true);
          // we'll use this later to show our template

          component.set("loadingTopics", true);
          // helps us show a loading spinner until topics are ready

          ajax("/latest.json").then (function(result){
          // Get posts from tag "featured" using AJAX
          // if this were a category you'd use /c/featured.json

            let featuredTopics = [];
            // Create an empty array, we'll push topics into it

            var featuredUsers = result.users;
            // Get the relevant users

            // We're extracting the topics starting at 0 and ending at 4
            // This means we'll show 3 total. Increase 4 to see more.

                poster.user = $.grep(featuredUsers, function(e){ return == poster.user_id; })[0];
              // Associate users with our topic

              // Push our topics into the featuredTopics array

            component.set("loadingTopics", false);
            // Topics are loaded, stop showing the loading spinner

            component.set('featuredTopics', featuredTopics);
            // Setup our component with the topics from the array

        } else {
        // If the page doesn't match the urls above, do this:

          // Remove our custom class

          component.set('displayfeaturedTopics', false);
          // Don't display our customization

<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="/connectors/below-discovery-categories/featured-topics">

  {{#if displayfeaturedTopics}}
  <!-- If our component is true, show this content: -->

      <div class="custom-featured-topics-wrapper">
        {{conditional-loading-spinner condition=loadingTopics}}
        <!-- Show a loading spinner if topics are loading -->

        {{#unless loadingTopics}}
        <!-- Unless topics are still loading... -->
          {{topic-list topics=featuredTopics showPosters=true}}
          <!-- Show the topic list -->

