How to change email if access to old email is no longer available?

As subj says. Trying to change it requires confirmation from old email, but access to the old email was lost.I would have thought that’s that primary reason for someone wanting to change their email.

What am I missing?

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If you’re an admin you must approve the email address change at the old address. The solution is to make that account no longer be an admin, change the address, and then make admin again.


Is this email change for a user or for an Admin? If it’s for a user, an Admin can change that for them.

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It’s a moderator, not admin. Do I still have to make them a normal user first? They already initiated a change and the system said a confirmation from old address is needed.

EDIT: As an admin, I can’t seem to change the email of any normal user either (non-mod, non-admin) from Admin panel > Users. It only shows their email, but there is no edit option (there is for username).

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This is how I do it on my forum.

  • Go to Dashboard/Users
  • Click on the user you want to change the email address for;
  • Click on Visit this user's preference page to edit their profile;
  • Click on Show Email;
  • Click on the Wrench to edit the email address;
  • Click Save Changes at the bottom.

The user should get an email to their new email notifying them their email address has been successfully changed.
You can also add an Alternative Email Address on this screen as well.

Thanks (I was doing those via impersonation). At this stage I don’t (yet) know their new email address, so I was asking if they are able to change it themselves without confirmation from the old address if I remove the moderator flag from their account.

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Sorry to rejuvenate this topic, but I am stuck. I have removed admin and moderator from a user who had these but no longer has access to his old email address. I cannot get discourse to stop sending emails to that old email address, and I cannot get it to send anything to his new current emailaddress. What trick am I missing?

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Did you perform these steps?


I’ve just given that a run through to test and I received an email to the test user’s old address saying:

> This email change was requested by a site admin. If you did not request this change, please contact a site admin.

Which is different than I remember. Not sure if I’m also doing something weird, but I followed the steps above as normal. :slight_smile: (apart from the ‘save changes’ step, as the page does not have it until you go back)

Nope, the email was going to the new email address and I hadn’t plugged my eyes in properly.


I was just testing this as well on this mornings build and when I change a users email, as an admin, it only sends mail to the new address.


Hahaha. Yup. That’s what you get for having all your test emails look the same and go to the same inbox. :slight_smile: I will strike my idiocy from the record. :+1:


Yes, I was struggling with that as well, until I took a better look at the subject line :rofl:



So glad I’m not the only one!

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In the Admin Dashboard, click on Users, then the User in question. Go to their Account/Preferences page /u/Username/preferences/account.

Right. And if that doesn’t work, it’s because that user is an admin or a moderator, which (I think that) you cannot tell from that page.

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If you start out at the Dashboard/Users, if the user is an Admin or Mod, it shows the shield at the extreme right of the row for that user. :wink:

Edit: I should add that the User does have to reply to verify the change of address. Security precaution to let the User know the email was being changed.

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Right. I’d forgotten that the shield is there.

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Well it’s very strange. I just repeated these steps exactly.
clicked the wrench and got:

Replaced the old email with the new one:

Clicked change and got.

Note it does say sent to THAT address.

Three different results:

I definitely performed those steps exactly the same 3 times.
Go figure!


Yes, that is normal.

So are you 100% positive that this user is not an admin or moderator?

You are not impersonating are you? You are performing these steps as an admin?

You might want to redact those email addresses next time you post screenshots…


Confirm - not impersonating - performing as admin - 100% positive he was not admin or moderator at that time (is there a lag somewhere). I have put him back to admin now.
Thats one reflector done, now to do the other but tomorrow.

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