How to change the admin email

You mean you want to log into the system account? AFAIK, you can’t do that. (Without Dev perms + Impersonation)

Yes, I am an admin. I would like to change the email that i use on the log in page, the same one is used for notifications when somebody post smth on the forum.

Do you know how can I do it?

I assume that this is a bad translation, but I have been trying very hard to help you.

So you want to change the notification_email. You can run discourse-setup again. It will ask questions like this:

Email address for admin account(s)? []: 
SMTP server address? []: 
SMTP port? [587]: 
SMTP user name? [mysite]: 
SMTP password? [pkejijefef]: 
notification email address? []: 
Optional email address for Let's Encrypt warnings? (ENTER to skip) []: 
Optional Maxmind License key (ENTER to continue without MAXMIND GeoLite2 geolocation database) [1234567890123456]: 

You can press enter for all of the questions and enter your new notification email when it asks for “notification email address”.

Note that you may also need to change your SMTP credentials if your existing SMTP server will not send mail for your new address.

You might also be able to find the notification_email in your site settings, but not if it has been set in the yml file (which discourse-setup has done by default for over a year)

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I made all changes as you wrote. Forum is loading and loading…
Should I restart or rebuild discourse app…?

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It’s rebuilding. You may as well let it.

You could also edit the yml file and destroy and start the container, but that’s 3 steps.

Is it working now?