How to change wording on error messages shown to user?

Some of my users get an error message saying “An error occurred: You are not permitted to view the requested resource.”
Whenever they try to post someonthing without choosing any category,
so i want to direct them to choose a category.
Is there a wayt o modify this message ??

Hello :wave:

It’s possible to setup a prefilled category. When users open composer this category will be selected by default.

default composer category site setting.

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Hi Don
thanks for quick response but i want to display a different message

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This is a generic error message that can be used in other contexts. That’s probably not what you want. (Message can be changed here: Admin → Customize → Text)

I’m not sure why you would see this error here.
If you don’t provide a category or try to validate, you should see that :thinking: :


any body have any solution the whole idea behind this is to alert my users to choose a category and the screen shot you showed above is perfect example @Arkshine.

But my forum is giving geberal irrelevent error which is confusing for users

Would it be okay to share your forum URL? You can also send it in a PM if you prefer.
I can’t determine why you are experiencing permission (or similar) issues in this context. :thinking:


It’s pretty old topic but maybe this is the case :thinking:

If yes and you seted up a trust level restricted default composer category than remove that category from the setting. After that it will require users to select category, as @Arkshine showed above.


Hi @Zee :wave: Also, make sure you are on the latest stable or beta versions of Discourse 3.1.1 or 3.2.0beta2-dev.

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