How to connect Discourse with hundreds of apps using Make

@oshyan @bartv @JonathanShaw

:raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed: Hi guys!

Upon further investigation, we can confirm a solution via our generic webhooks module could be a viable option.

If you are able to setup webhooks in your Discourse account and use generic Integromat webhook URL as the listener, then you can listen for “topic” events which carry tag information in the payload.

A beginning of a scenario could look like this:

As you know, a topic can have more than one tags, so you should iterate through the tags before making any actions.Our sample scenario ends with “Iterator” but you’d need to add more modules to perform your desired actions (e.g. in the above-mentioned ClickUp app).

You can also check for the more important pieces of the scenario in the following shots:

We are also investigating whether we could add a native webhook support within the existing Discourse app with our development team but given that webhooks in Discourse exist since 2016, there could be a technical issue which is preventing us from doing so.

Hope you will find this useful!
Let us know if you need more help :robot:

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