How to create a user as a discourse admin?

How can I create a user as a discourse admin?

Some users ask for their account to be deleted. Thus I want to create a user called ghost and transfer their posts to that user. But there’s no option for me to create a system user or any user for that matter.

Any ideas?


I don’t, but what don’t you anonymize them? There is an option for that.

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With that the IP data is not wiped, which makes this mostly useless. Therefore -> transfer to user.

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Go through the usual registration process and create a user with an alias of your own email. You’re correct that there is no way to create a dummy users because email is a requirement.

For anyone else reading this, it is possible to remove IP data when anonymizing as per Anonymizing Users in Discourse


Brother, your timing is perfect. The Discourse gods added a “transfer and delete” option to the Admin toolbox in the latest update.

You can use it to transfer any user’s posts to a new entity of your choosing. You’ll find it with the delete, anonymize, and impersonate buttons.


Yes, I’ve read that part:

Discourse will retain the user’s IP addresses in our logs associated with the anonymous user. However, there is a new mechanism to clear those out too available to developers.

When using our UserAnonymizer class, you can pass in an :anonymize_ip option with an IP to replace, for example .

However, I’m not a developer, but a discourse admin, so I have no idea how I’m supposed to do that.
I don’t have access to the underlying system and command line.
What I don’t understand is why this isn’t done by default, when I click on Anonymize User.

Yep, that’s why I asked my question in the first place. :wink:

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As a hosted customer you don’t have access to the console, which is why I specified that my response was for anyone else reading this. :wink:

The question was how to create that entity. The answer is that there is no systematic way.


Yup, I see where I went wrong. Sorry for the misinformation.

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