How to customize the loading splash screen?

At the moment I see a very bland loading screen, I noticed that discourse meta has a fancy loading splash screen.

I was wondering how I can customize the loading splash screen on my own site?

Thanks for any answers!


If anybody could help with this and how to replace the dots, I want it to be more consistent and use the default loading spinner that would be nice :slight_smile:


Agreed, on my site it only shows text: “Loading…” and I would like to spice it up a bit…


I think the point of splash screen is load it before and while every other assets. So now if you create a custom css to modify it it will only load ~after splash screen.


7 posts were merged into an existing topic: Which color scheme does the preloader use?

You can amend the text displayed on the screen by heading to:

https://YOURSITE/admin/customize/site_texts and editing js.preloader_text

The preloader SVG will have the alt text of your site title (set via Site Settings title)

The actual SVG cannot be customized, and we only offer dark and light versions.

There is an open feature request asking for more customizability at:

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