How to delete a chat group?

Dear Discourse community,

I have tried to find an answer but wasn’t successful so far. :see_no_evil: When I open a little chat group under „DM“ with a few people, then I can not delete the group.
I was wondering if this a wanted feature? If so, do you know why that would make sense? :slight_smile:

I would expect that the creator of the chat group could also decide to delete it again.
(Maybe that would become a problem once the owner leaves…)

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

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If that is private chat you can’t. Everybody must leave by themselves. Not even an admin can kick out users from private chat.

What is the point of that? There isn’t any and I guess it comes from technical difficulties.

But it is really annoying.

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Oh, that’s a question I have faced. :roll_eyes:

I see that you can mute a channel, but I’m not sure if that just mutes personal notifications or actually shuts the chat down. It doesn’t delete it, though.

CleanShot 2024-08-20 at 11.45.32