How to disable minimum post length

I too would like to change the min post length. I run a private community all invited, and we sometimes reply with emoji that is more than just the :heart:. also im not sure what setting but if you do the character limit with just gibberish its also blocked…

Hey @wartron :wave: Welcome to Meta!

If it is a private community, why do you need different character limits for different groups? I have the impression you want to reduce the limit for everyone.

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@moin I would like to turn off all the limits, but i also agree it makes sense that it could be group level. In the mean time is there a patricianly setting im overlooking to reduce the character limit to 1

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You literally can turn it off for everyone though?

ok yea, im lost in what tab and what setting that would be i dont see it in /admin/site_settings/category/rate_limits i dont see it in /admin/site_settings/category/spam

It’s under Posting or just filter “minimum”


Hello @wartron :wave: welcome to Discourse Meta :slight_smile:

I think you are looking for this