Minimum character count

Hello, where can I set the minimum character count for created topics?

In other words, is setting the minimum character count for my desired topics different from setting the minimum character count for responses to already created titles, or does “min post length” cover both?

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There are some settings to configure the minimum length of different things. I think you are looking for min_first_post_length.


I think this is it, but I considered it as the person’s first topic. Or is it just about creating a topic :thinking:

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It is about the first post of every topic, not about the first post of a user.



min_post_length is not for both!

min_first_post_length is only for the first post body of the topic.
min_post_length is for the others post. :slight_smile:


Awesome thanks a lot!

Thanks ser!

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Can we set an exception for this? For admins, moderators, or specific members? @Arkshine @Moin

There is a feature request asking for that: Allow bypassing min post length for certain groups or trust levels. Though I like that there are the same rules for everyone, as moderators act as good examples of how to post on the forum.
There are some ways to add more characters to your post, which you could use as a workaround. For example, adding <FakeHTML> which is only shown in the raw version of the post as you can see here:

By the way, users receive a notification about replies in a topic they have participated in, so there is no need to mention them for that.

On a related note, you might find this useful:

Thanks a lot! I’ll try FakeHTML thing.