Badges are granted once per day.
Is there a way to schedule / force the granting process “right now” from command line?
Easiest way is to visit /sidekiq/scheduler
and look for any jobs with the word “grant” in the name. You probably want Jobs::BadgeGrant
, but some badges have their own tasks.
I went through all scheduled tasks in sidekiq up to 24 hours from now, and none have grant
token in them.
It’s in production
Correct, no entries like on your screenshot.
I just noticed I had no badges granted for a long time. Rebuilding the container now and will check if the task will be scheduled after restart.
Also, I noticed that one of my custom-sql badges had an error - could it stop all other badges from working?
In theory, no.
I think the most likely thing is a docker-manager update gone wrong, and so some sidekiq jobs had failed to load. Hopefully once you rebuild it will work.
Okay, rebuild went well.
However, in a few minutes after it is complete, I still can’t find any grant
token in all 125+ scheduled tasks. Does it mean something is failing with my setup?
Yes, probably. Do you have any errors in /logs
? Any unusual plugins?
Hm nothing critical in the latest ~20 minutes:
Can you see anything suspicious that can break the badges execution / scheduling?
Can’t see anything obvious. If you go into a console and type Jobs::BadgeGrant
, what happens? Should look like this:
[1] pry(main)> Jobs::BadgeGrant
=> Jobs::BadgeGrant
Okay here it is:
After that, no new errors in /logs.
Nor are there new entries with the grant
token in /sidekiq/scheduled
Do you have any plugins which could be interfering?
here are enabled ones - I try to use popular and supported ones only:
- git clone
- git clone
- git clone
- git clone
- git clone
- git clone
- git clone
- git clone
- git clone
- git clone
- git clone
- git clone
- git clone
Just checking - are you looking in “Scheduled” or “Scheduler”? The badge jobs should be under Scheduler.
(Aside: wow that’s confusing naming!)
Under Scheduler, I can now see the following ones:
- Jobs::GrantNewUserOfTheMonthBadges
- Jobs::GrantAnniversaryBadges
- Jobs::BadgeGrant
All Scheduler jobs apper under the " Recurring Jobs" section.
Now, is it safe for me to click on the “Trigger” button and see what happens?
Ah good - that makes this much simpler to solve!
Yes, the trigger button is safe
Thanks, running now.
Last time it took 10k seconds, so will check back tomorrow morning.
Is there any way to process one particular badge? Maybe from command line?
10k seconds is a lot! On meta, it takes 500 seconds. Maybe one of your custom badge queries is not very efficient? (that’s why we disable the custom SQL feature by default)
Thanks, I reviewed queries quickly and fixed one a bit and it only took ~1k seconds now. I also cross-posted my SQL-optimization question in a separate topic.
Back to the badges - it now worked and all badges are granted. Thank you for your assistance and prompt replies.