How to group related topics?

My intention is to create a tutorial type environment in which all my topics are grouped. so that every user can access easily.
i.e., After the completion of first topic, the second topic should be in suggested list.

Is there any possible way to do create this type of environment.

This feature is badly needed in hosted site.

Please help me out from this. :smirk:
Thanks in Advance.

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Have you thought about enabling tags? By enabling tags, you will be able to easily group the tutorials topics. You will also have the ability to group the tags, which makes it even more easier for users to find the tutorials they need. There is already a suggested list of topics at the end of each topic, by the way.


on what based the suggested topics will display?
based on tags or at random :thinking:

Without tags, the suggested topics are mostly shown per the category of the topic you are reading. Not 100% sure about tags though.

Thank you @Thomas_G

let me do check…

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