How to increase site speed

Seriously something is wrong with the image loading, I got a very quick client side loading speed in mozilla (2 mbps link) after disabling image loading

we use cloudflare.

@EducatorWaji I don’t get it! the site doesn’t load after 23 min. plus the site size is more or less the same (only 500kb different) with or without the images. as this reply show.

i’m more or less confused now! :astonished: after disabling topic preview only avatars + js files remains. but which js file? no other js is active on homepage (rather than ga).


Tense not! Don’t take my inputs as any major thing to consider.

What is that .js script loading from doing?. And for your info, MathJax is closing down its CDN by this april 30th. Whatever file you are loading from from mathjax will not be available after april 30th


that’s the mathjs plugin:

nothing in the latest page though from this plugin.

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Yes! No use of the MathJs plugin. But, it still loads it in every page. I guess the lower speed is directly linked with the huge number of parallel image downloads. Disabling images gives good speeds.

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let me see if I got you correctly: do you mean even if I disable the topic list preview plugin, the site still loads all the images of the first few topics?

asking since when I disable the plugin, no such a huge change happens in the page size as well as the speed.

For that, I may have to test it myself. I will test it myself and get back to you. But, what I meant was force disabling every possible images in the site(Including logo, avatars and etc) gave me a very smooth loading time in your discourse. Which in someway pointing to the fact that the slow loading speed has something related with images.

Anyway, I will try it myself and will get back to you.

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I think there is a problem with topic list preview.
When I disable the thumbnail at site setting, my transfer decreases about 500KB, But when I completely remove this plugin the transfer decreases 1.4MB, What is this plugin doing? Why the transfer decreases so much when I delete this plugin but the disabled thumbnail reduce the transfer just 500KB,
I thought the transfer for this plugin is images but I understood the transfer is for unknown requests.

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So my assumptions are pretty accurate! The plugin loads a lot images when topic list preview plugin is activated.

Whatever I write below are my assumptions, feel free to reply and correct me If I am wrong.

  • The plugins pulls the first image from the topics even while it is disabled, unless the plugin in fully removed.
  • After you have removed the plugin, The discourse doesn’t load the first image from the topic anymore. Hence much less Kilo Bytes of data is loaded
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I reached this thread looking for improving performance and found that does have a huge payload too:

1 single JS file stands out with size 1.69MB

The same application js file is loaded on my discourse install too:

I tried a fresh install of discourse with no extra plugins and this file is still there with same 1.69 MB size.

Is there a way to reduce the size of this file, if we going by your recommendations to keep the page size below 1 MB?

Look more closely, the actual transmitted size is 238kb
