How to keep the replies together?

When topics are replied, the forum always create a new topics in the father-topics. I want to keep it together. for example

  • current

This is a example topics

  • This is first example reples
  • This is second example reples
  • This is third example reples
  • first reples’s first reples: Apple
  • first reples’s second reples: Banana

I wanna change like this:

This is a example topics

3 reples
  • This is first example reples
2 reples
  • First reples’s first reples: Apple
  • First reples’s second reples: Banana
  • This is second example reples
  • This is third example reples

Is this possible?

Are you searching for threaded replies?


This is not true.

When you Reply to a Topic, it will create new Posts that are Replies to the Topic.

The Topic OP is itself a Post.

A Topic is just a stream of Posts. It is one dimensional, but can have sign-posts for linking specific Posts to Posts they Reply to.

Topics are not “Threaded”


I read it, Yeah, I’m looking for “threaded replies”. Emmmm…Very sad, The discourse author don’t add threaded replies forever…

There is a feature where you can focus on replies to a specific post to some extent. It on mobile it is on bottom left of your post.

The design ideal is that if a topic starts to meander off, people branch it into other topics.

Using threads sort of buries this branching off so that the organization and tracking the flow of discussion is foisted upon the reader, rather than the writers.

But, this should be a responsibility of the writer.


Or the Admin/Moderator! :slight_smile:

A good Discourse site has, imho, very active Moderation and marshalling Posts into the right Topics is one of their primary roles. btw, assistance here from AI could be a great feature area …

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Good point.

The curation of content is important, be it done by the posters or moderators (or more likely both).

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