How to make part of text in a paragraph bold/italic/etc using helper.h functions?

Maybe a simple question, but it stopped me for a bit :sweat_smile:

How to achieve this using Discourse helper.h function?

<p>This text <i>is italic</i> </p>

The closest I got is this:

    html() {
      return [  h('div'),
                h('p', "This text" + h('i', "is italic"))

Which returns this:

Otherwise, a few other variants I tried either return This text or is italic, but not both :thinking:

For example, this:

    html() {
      return [  h('div'),
                h('p', "This text", [h('i', "is italic")])

returns just the is italic

Almost there?

    html() {
      return [  h('div', ),
                h('p', [h('i', "is italic"), "This text"])

Gives me this :sweat_smile:


The parameters to the h function are tagName, properties, children. You can skip properties if you want, and just use tagName, children. Children can either be a single node, or an array of multiple nodes.

So I think you want something like

h('div',   // <div>
  h('p', [   // <p>
    'This text ',
    h('i', 'is italic')  // <i></i>
  ])  // </p>
);  // </div>

Thank you, I didn’t realize a single node can also be a simple text. This is now quite powerful.

On another note, did to ever consider introducing a simple converter from HTML -> h function? This would speed up development a lot at times :slight_smile:

It is possible to use a template like this in some cases