How to make sidebar sticky?

Can anyone please guide on how I can make the sidebar menu sticky here:

I’ve tried with CSS and Javascript but nothing works.

Also, separate question, if someone scrolls on the topic here the title becomes sticky on top, is there a guide or component to achieve the same thing?

Isn’t this already on your site?

Try to post 1 question per topic :slight_smile:.

I’m not very sure what you’re referring to. Maybe Custom Header Links?

Thank you for the reply. When you scroll on the topic here you’ll notice that the title of the topic becomes the header and sticks to the top: How to get Realtime Information from my agent? Tried my LLM ChatGPT and http request - Questions - n8n Community

Another eg: Issue with API Giving Same Code to Very Different Documents Suddenly - Bugs - OpenAI Developer Forum

If I understand you correctly, that is normal. The nav bar appears after you scroll. If I’m wrong, try to see if it works on Meta.

Your custom CSS is breaking things, see safe mode:

This works fine once your theme is disabled.


Thank you very much for the help, I was able to solve it :slight_smile:

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