How to Make the Image Stretch to Fit the Body of discourse?

I was thinking about Mirroring Google Docs Without actually thinking how Mirroring/PDF outputs will handle resized images, storyboards of Grid View, Whether PDFs will Preserve the Grid View of created storyboards or not, What are the alternative options which will be available for me if the pdf does not respect the Images arranged in Grid View ?.. There Seems to be a Lot of Problems associated with PDF or Mirroring Google Docs if Attention to detail is Prioritized to Get the output exactly the way how i wanted. So the Mirroring idea is Abandoned.

For Now, Im Proceeding with Image A Style as it Looks Perfect to Me and have the faith it should be Looking Good on 15.6 inch Laptops aswell (as thats the screen size used by large % of computer users).

Activated Light theme to check the quality and there seems to be 0.5 to 0.8 inch Space/Room for Image A to be Expanded in Left or Right

Made Some Improvements, Lets see if its fitting the body or will have to try againā€¦

Would you be so kind as to consider using for your testing purposes?


Have you tried a full-width theme?

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I do not know where the option or theme is located, Are you Referencing the one which is name as Default(Full-width) ? yes ? i tried it the fixed body stays.

Does it have only me mode ? if not, Testing here and there makes no difference

As for this topic, testing has been completed, i tried to get the remaining 0.3 inch filled but without resizing the browser window, it does not seem to be possible, if i resize the window, More than 24 Text Test words seem to get in 1 line which would end up making the reading to be more difficult and with discourse compressing the image to fit into the body, the experience wont be good on 15.6 inch Laptops So Iā€™ve decided to Settle with this flaw as 0.3 inch space wont be easily noticeable or i will fill the extra 0.3 inch with black background where while i take screenshot, i will extend the screenshot area by +0.3 inch in the Right even if the capturing area seems to be Empty. People Who have activated Black theme wont be able to detect this flaw.

It makes difference. Your testings are quite noisy and makes reading this topic really hard. You should do testings more silently and share only your findings. Several test images arenā€™t that usefull.

But sure, it is totally up to you and muting a topic is trivial.


Hello :wave:

I just read this topic and it seems to me this is mostly about the image aspect ratio. The thumbnails max width by default is 690px and max height is 500px so it will always keep this max dimension if the image reach these dimensions to prevent load full size image. -For smaller images it wonā€™t generate thumbnail.- This means if an image for example 4000 x 4000px then it will generate an 500 x 500px thumbnail.
This means if you want image fit the body then use for example: 16:9 aspect ratio images e.g. (1920x1080). Otherwise itā€™s not possible without theme component, btw it would be a simple CSS code. (However it wouldnā€™t be too user friendly for images e.g. 1:1 aspect ratio or higher than wider because not only the width but the height also increases proportionally. Users might have to scroll to see the full image and the quality of the image may decrease).

As I can see, you are not a staff of the forum where you want to post it, but perhaps it would be worth to raise your ideas with the staff of that forum write to them about your concerns and ideas to see if they are open to them or perhaps looking for another solution, because it is their decision. Actually, everything you have listed so far depends on the forum staff, whether they use it or not. If they decided to use it in this form, there must be a good reason.

Discourse is open source and highly customizable, but we cannot help you much if these main things are not available. I mean, if we could provide a simple code that can be pasted on the admin page or a theme component that can be installed with a few clicks, this whole thing could have been solved in the very first reply. But without theseā€¦

Google Docs
This also requires a setup in adminā€¦because it uses iframe which can cause security issues. But if you contact the staff anyway, you can mention this to them.

It is possible to publish a Google Docs which gives an embed code. This embed code can nicely be placed to the post and it will load the google doc. In the iframe you can add the width, height and other parameters. Google Docs Pub is updated every 5 minutes. So if you change something in the doc it will be visible after 5 min.

Add to the allowed iframes site setting.


Thank You Everyone for Your Ideas, I think i have 100% Fixed the issue, See the video

but the Enjoyment did not Last for more than 1 minute, My post got flagged instantly within 1 minute

idk whether its actually system flagged due to High Number of images or some actual user who secretly hates me flagged it but the view showed only 1 view while the topic got flagged/unlisted.

See at the videos end, it shows 0 Views before unlisted by the user ā€œSystemā€.

Its frustrating that i had spend 6+ weeks working on a new project only to have it censored/flagged, the original project/book is 587+ pages, Since im actively writing and the book keeps getting bigger and bigger(where during the finish process it will reach 780+ Pages), i believed it would be a good idea to Post a trailer of the book capturing the most interesting 150+ Pages as ā€œTrailerā€ (which became the reason for the topic creation Just so peple wont skip reading the Full project because of 700+ Pages of Extreme Walls of text).

Sure Everyone wont have the time to read walls of text but i made it myself clear that i am not making the topic for everyone but only for the People Who have the ability to Read Books and also Likes New ideas, This censorship behavior feels like i have no freedom and the ability for me to communicate is Limited based on Someone elseā€™s likings.

Someone does not like the topic, its fine , i myself not enjoy everything what i see, if i do not like something, i leave But with this kind of treatment i feel like im surrounded by sensitive/naive/fragile people who gets offended easilyā€¦

If this was intentionally done by someone, i have planned to just stop using brave community to protect my own peace/time(have to wait for confirmation from brave staff on why topic eas censored before i make the decision).

With the Exception of YT and telegram, i do not have any Social Media, Brave Community was the only place which i spended most of the time, it would be tough to Lose Brave Community but if i had to deal with pain like this , itā€™s time to say Bye to Not only to brave community, But also to Every discourse powered communities.

At a guess likely the system flagged the post.

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It is totally your choice what do you do and what you donā€™t. Propably no one remember you next day. So as a statement that act is quite weak. Iā€™ve red a lot pure crap published on WordPress, but that is not fault of software and Iā€™m not jump off sites because of platform. But again, that is my choice.

I donā€™t know rules of Brave community, but I could guess you triggered spam warning. A lot of links, excessive use of capital letters etc. And propably that automatic rating wasnā€™t totally wrong because I could quite easily guess that megapost was an ad. But remember one thing: you didnā€™t give for moderators time to review that flagging but went from 0 to 100 right away.

Anyway. One thing is absolutely sure ā€” we are badly off topic in so many ways that there is big risk these are flagged too. And yet that is only by rules of a forum, not by faults of software.

But nice you get your layout issue solved. Too bad you canā€™t use it anymore.


Excellent :slight_smile:

As for whether the post should or shouldnā€™t appear on the Brave forums, thatā€™s a matter for their moderation team and community guidelines.

Iā€™ll close this off now the support issue has been resolved.