Why are these other topics getting closed without Giving chances to add updates and while there is no strong clarity on solution… ?
For example, the last reply from your team member suggests
Does this mean create a New topic, add 100 images per reply and add back to back replies with 100 images fo each reply ?
The Communities which i have seen has a Limit for Consecutive replies, is it possible to whitelist the restriction for me based on request ?
Even if i where to create a New topic with a very short title like
Inner content, → Content_Explanation_within 500 Characters and
Requesting Staffs to unlist the topic and keep the topic unlisted(until the full project is uploaded), Will message Staff after the Project is updated.
{Staff unlists it}
I start uploading project images
I wouldn’t mind others who have access to the topic link watching what’s Getting posted in the topic because the project is already finished and they will eventually end up seeing it so privacy is never a problem while discourse doesnt give importance for privacy…
But there is a limit on consecutive replies like only 3 replies, So lets assume 185 images per reply, then it would be like 8 back to back replies for 1480 images or maybe there would be a need to post another reply in case total images exceeds more than 1480 images.
Im annoyed because while i posted a topic in Misc category Last year, Discourse allowed unlimited number of back to back replies which is the usual category which i post but recently while i posted back to back replies to help with Scripts Guide in the Web Compatibility category, i could not post back to back replies for more than 3 replies.
cannot add a New reply so had to update the Last reply with New update :
I do not know whether the Consecutive replies limit is applied for certain categories or updated now for the entire site but whatever the case is, its annoying discourse finds time to implement this kind of strange features(Consecutive replies restriction limit) but openly saying they wont work on new features like what i requested last time for See More feature and claiming the timeframe Expectations to be “Silly” to suggest/expect it… While Discourse claims it is more advanced on their marketing page, features like what i asked “see more” shouldnt be that hard to implement it.
See Quora, They have “Continue Reading” for almost all of the Answers now. It would be awesome if discourse can take the experience even further to manually allow users when users want continue reading to take place(Set Exact Line break position on where continue reading takes place).
For Example,users can implement continue reading after X number of characters are added.
Paragraph 1 ~2878 characters
{5 images}
Paragraph 2 ~1587 characters
{3 images}
Paragraph 3 ~3178 characters
{8 images}
Paragraph 4 ~5278 characters
{2 images}
Paragraph 5 ~6927 characters
{6 images}
Topic creator realizes content getting bigger so i can implement continue reading feature by myself so upcoming content will be loaded only while continue reading/See more button is clicked.
Paragraph 6 ~2878 characters
{5 images}
Paragraph 7 ~1587 characters
{3 images}
Paragraph 8 ~3178 characters
{8 images}
Paragraph 9 ~5278 characters
{2 images}
Paragraph 10 ~6927 characters
{6 images}
If discourse detects users have failed to add continue reading button feature by themselves(as your casual everyday user who use discourse rarely isnt going to take the time to explore all of the formatting options present in the topic creator), and if discourse Servers detect the posted topic exceeds 3000 Characters and has no continue reading button set, The Discourse Server can set continue reading feature by itself on behalf of users for all users whenever topic/replies exceeds 3000 Characters.
I do not understand whats the need for “Lazy Loading”…, While its very clear 95% of the Population have Limited Attention Span and wont be able to keep up with Longer topics and most likely wont read the topic fully, there is no need to constantly have everything loaded automatically as scrolling is happening and Letting every users take higher space for each reply… So what i want to say is, Let there be Limits and Make users to do the Extra work!
Extra work → Having to click “Continue Reading/See More” buttons many number of times for as long as they want to content to be consumed, There is nothing wrong in adding extra work because most of the time they are getting the information for free, Why give some random users on the internet 1st preference over the discourse servers if majority of the population have limited attention spans?, By Constantly loading everything you’re wasting server resources/Electricity in your data centers and Even Internet bandwidth.
For this topic instance of “Consecutive replies limit annoyance” and Previous topic of “How many images discourse can handle ?”
The Easier Solution for both of these topics are
Paragraph 1 ~2878 characters
{5 images}
Paragraph 2 ~1587 characters
{3 images}
Paragraph 3 ~3178 characters
{8 images}
/Set Continue_Reading_Button_Stop_Auto_Load
Paragraph 4 ~5278 characters
{2 images}
/Set Continue_Reading_Button_Stop_Auto_Load
Paragraph 5 ~6927 characters
{6 images}
Paragraph 6 ~2878 characters
{5 images}
/Set Continue_Reading_Button_Stop_Auto_Load
Paragraph 7 ~1587 characters
{3 images}
Paragraph 8 ~3178 characters
{8 images}
/Set Continue_Reading_Button_Stop_Auto_Load
Paragraph 9 ~5278 characters
{2 images}
Paragraph 10 ~6927 characters
{6 images}
/Set Continue_Reading_Button_Stop_Auto_Load
100 + Paragraphs where i can set continue reading button accordingly whenever i want to and for as many number of times So by following this unique method we can add massive walls of text without thinking about we are hitting a certain limit… Since Contents will be loaded only if the end users do the actual work of clicking “Continue Reading” button, Performance will be improved, Server resources can be saved and Every image will get loaded properly.
Note: I know discourse have 32k character limit, but even if i upload 1000+ images, i wont hit the 32k limit and the ~5278 characters which i said in illustration wont be actual characters but rather they are screenshot of ~5278 characters and the images which i added { } in illustration would be illustration or storyboards images.
only discourse makes fun of my expectations because in most instances while i asked for Feature request on Gameloft forum and Blackplayer EX community, the developers were Awesome and fulfilled my requests on their apps(Asphalt9/Blackplayer EX) within 3 weeks, not one time for one request, But many times for most of the requests… What Separates Gameloft forum and Blackplayer EX dev from discourse developers is that these other developers are cool and willing to do more their users to keep them happy whereas discourse thinks more in a way like, Why we should work on something for free ? What’s in it for me ?