How to perform a restore when you have two containers?

nope, still not working

I have the backup file here:

thommie@docker2:/var/discourse/shared/web-only$ ls  
backups  log  netzwissen-forum-2023-10-09-201019-v20230913194832.tar.gz


root@docker2:/var/discourse# ./launcher enter web_only

x86_64 arch detected.  

root@forum:/var/www/discourse# discourse restore  
You must provide a filename to restore. Did you mean one of the following?  
discourse restore forum-netzwissen-eu-2023-10-08-033221-v20230926165821.tar.gz

So, the restore only shows a backup file from inside of the web_only container of the new forum instance (the target of the backup). But not the backup file from the source instance which is available on /var/discourse/shared/web-only/ on the HOST system

So, the “discourse restore” does not use the mapped volume on the host, but only the one inside the container.
