How to post pictures via API?

I’ve been working on a plugin for Obsidian and have been banging my head against the wall trying to get images to upload. This is what I have so far:

	async uploadImages(imageReferences: string[]): Promise<string[]> {
		const imageUrls = [];
		for (const ref of imageReferences) {
			const filePath =,;
			if (filePath) {
				const file = as TFile;
				if (file) {
					try {
						const arrayBuffer = await;
						const blob = new Blob([arrayBuffer]);
						const boundary = '----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW';
						let body = '';

						body += `--${boundary}\r\n`;
						body += `Content-Disposition: form-data; name="type"\r\n\r\n`;
						body += "composer\r\n";
						body += `--${boundary}\r\n`;
						body += `Content-Disposition: form-data; name="synchronous"\r\n\r\n`;
						body += "true\r\n";

						body += `--${boundary}\r\n`;
						body += `Content-Disposition: form-data; name="files[]"; filename="${}"\r\n`;
						body += `Content-Type: image/jpg\r\n\r\n`
						body += blob + '\r\n';
						body += `--${boundary}--\r\n`;
						const formData = new TextEncoder().encode(body)

						const url = `${this.settings.baseUrl}/uploads.json`;
						const headers = {
							"Api-Key": this.settings.apiKey,
							"Api-Username": this.settings.disUser,
							"Content-Type": `multipart/form-data; boundary=${boundary}`

						const response = await requestUrl({
							url: url,
							method: "POST",
							body: formData,
							throw: false,
							headers: headers,

						//const response = await fetch(url, {
						//	method: "POST",
						//	body: formData,
						//	headers: new Headers(headers),

						console.log(`Upload Image response: ${response.status}`);
						//if (response.ok) {
						if (response.status == 200) {
							const jsonResponse = response.json();
							console.log(`Upload Image jsonResponse: ${JSON.stringify(jsonResponse)}`);
						} else {
							new NotifyUser(, `Error uploading image: ${response.status}`).open();
							console.error(`Error uploading image: ${JSON.stringify(response.json)}`);
							//console.error("Error uploading image:", response.status, await response.text());
					} catch (error) {
						new NotifyUser(, `Exception while uploading image: ${error}`).open();
						console.error("Exception while uploading image:", error);
				} else {
					new NotifyUser(, `File not found in vault: ${ref}`).open();
					console.error(`File not found in vault: ${ref}`);
			} else {
				new NotifyUser(, `Unable to resolve file path for: ${ref}`).open();
				console.error(`Unable to resolve file path for: ${ref}`);
		return imageUrls;

I’m constructing a multipart/form-data because requestURL() cannot accept a formData() as a parameter. Only string or arrayBuffer. I cannot use fetch() as I get a CORS error. With this code (and many minor tweaks to the body) I’m getting the following error:

Error uploading image: {“errors”:[“You supplied invalid parameters to the request: Discourse::InvalidParameters”],“error_type”:“invalid_parameters”}

1 Like

Thought I’d go ahead and update as I’m getting a different error massage now:

	async uploadImages(imageReferences: string[]): Promise<string[]> {
		const imageUrls = [];
		for (const ref of imageReferences) {
			const filePath =,;
			if (filePath) {
				const file = as TFile;
				if (file) {
					try {
						const imgfile = await;
						const boundary = genBoundary();
						const sBoundary = '--' + boundary + '\r\n';
						let body = '';
						body += `${sBoundary}Content-Disposition: form-data; name="type"\r\n\r\ncomposer\r\n`;
						body += `${sBoundary}Content-Disposition: form-data; name="synchronous"\r\n\r\ntrue\r\n`;
						body += `${sBoundary}Content-Disposition: form-data; name="files[]"; filename="${}"\r\nContent-Type: image/jpg`;

						const eBoundary = '\r\n--' + boundary + '--\r\n';
						const bodyArray = new TextEncoder().encode(body);
						const endBoundaryArray = new TextEncoder().encode(eBoundary);

						const formDataArray = new Uint8Array(bodyArray.length + imgfile.byteLength + endBoundaryArray.length);
						formDataArray.set(bodyArray, 0);
						formDataArray.set(new Uint8Array(imgfile), bodyArray.length);
						formDataArray.set(endBoundaryArray, bodyArray.length + imgfile.byteLength);

						const url = `${this.settings.baseUrl}/uploads.json`;
						const headers = {
							"Api-Key": this.settings.apiKey,
							"Api-Username": this.settings.disUser,
							"Content-Type": `multipart/form-data; boundary=${boundary}`

						const response = await requestUrl({
							url: url,
							method: "POST",
							body: formDataArray.buffer,
							throw: false,
							headers: headers,

						console.log(`Upload Image response: ${response.status}`);
						if (response.status == 200) {
							const jsonResponse = response.json();
							console.log(`Upload Image jsonResponse: ${JSON.stringify(jsonResponse)}`);
						} else {
							new NotifyUser(, `Error uploading image: ${response.status}`).open();
							console.error(`Error uploading image: ${JSON.stringify(response.json)}`);
					} catch (error) {
						new NotifyUser(, `Exception while uploading image: ${error}`).open();
						console.error("Exception while uploading image:", error);
				} else {
					new NotifyUser(, `File not found in vault: ${ref}`).open();
					console.error(`File not found in vault: ${ref}`);
			} else {
				new NotifyUser(, `Unable to resolve file path for: ${ref}`).open();
				console.error(`Unable to resolve file path for: ${ref}`);
		return imageUrls;

The error message I’m receiving now is:

Exception while uploading image: SyntaxError: Unexpected token ‘I’, “Invalid request” is not valid JSON

This is confusing to me because the API states that we need to send a multipart/form-data, but it’s saying invalid JSON? Maybe it’s related to requestAPI()

So I thought I’d try a different approach by using the S3 storage. I followed the instructions here to setup an AWS S3 bucket. Here are my settings:

And here is my code:

	async uploadExternalImage(imageReferences: string[]): Promise<string[]> {
		const imageUrls: string[] = [];
		for (const ref of imageReferences) {
			const filePath =,;
			if (filePath) {
				const file = as TFile;
				if (file) {
					try {
						const url = `${this.settings.baseUrl}/uploads/generate-presigned-put.json`;
						//const imgfile = await;
						const img = {
							type: "composer",
							file_size: file.stat.size,
						const headers = {
							"Content-Type": "application/json",
							"Api-Key": this.settings.apiKey,
							"Api-Username": this.settings.disUser,
						const response = await requestUrl({
							url: url,
							method: "POST",
							body: JSON.stringify(img),
							throw: false,
							headers: headers
					} catch (error) {
						console.error(`Error uploading: ${error}`);
				} else {
			} else {
		return imageUrls;

Now, I realize this currently won’t work because I’m not actually uploading the file yet. From what I read in the docs, I would send a json object containing the type, file_name, and file_size. The api should reply with a key and a url for me to use for the actual file transfer. But at this point, I’m getting the following error:

    "errors": [
        "The requested URL or resource could not be found."
    "error_type": "not_found"
    "The requested URL or resource could not be found."

I looked into my API key to make sure it had permissions, it does. But I created a new one anyways. And a global one. None are working. Same error code. What am I doing wrong?

Edit, here’s the img object:


I’m not too familiar with that ecosystem, but maybe this helps?

CORS error…

Did you follow


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I’m guessing a bit here, but I don’t think configuring CORS will work for this case. The origin (at least from the Obsidian Desktop app) is 'app://'. I think CORS can only be configured on Discourse to deal with HTTP requests.

@maxtim, do you need this to work from mobile, or would just being able to post to Discourse from the desktop app be good enough? I’m again guessing a bit, but… my understanding is that the desktop app is an Electron app. It’s running on a combination of Chromium and Node.js. You might be able to use node-fetch to make server-side requests to Discourse. If that works, it would take care of the CORS issue and let you use FormData in requests.

I went ahead and tried (proverbial throwing wet noodles to see what sticks). But I was already apprehensive and @simon is correct.

Ideally, the plugin would be available on mobile as well. But for now, if Desktop only is what we get, it’s what we get.

Of course, another solution might be: Obsidian Vault on mobile → sync to Desktop → cli to upload to Discourse. But that does seem a little convoluted.

Basically, the ideal situation is that the Discourse forum replaces the Obsidian Vault. That way users who prefer the forum, can use the forum. Users who prefer (or indeed need an off-line solution) can use Obsidian. I already have some ideas on how a bi-directional sync might work. But I think images/files need to handles in some way first.


I’m fairly convinced this will work, but I can’t seem to be able to get the parameters correct:

					try {
						const imgfile = await;
						const boundary = genBoundary();
						const sBoundary = '--' + boundary + '\r\n';
						let body = '';
						body += `${sBoundary}Content-Disposition: form-data; name="type"\r\n\r\ncomposer\r\n`;
						body += `${sBoundary}Content-Disposition: form-data; name="synchronous"\r\n\r\ntrue\r\n`;
						body += `${sBoundary}Content-Disposition: form-data; name="files[]"; filename="${}"\r\nContent-Type: image/jpg\r\n`;

						const eBoundary = '\r\n--' + boundary + '--\r\n';
						const bodyArray = new TextEncoder().encode(body);
						const endBoundaryArray = new TextEncoder().encode(eBoundary);

						const formDataArray = new Uint8Array(bodyArray.length + imgfile.byteLength + endBoundaryArray.length);
						formDataArray.set(bodyArray, 0);
						formDataArray.set(new Uint8Array(imgfile), bodyArray.length);
						formDataArray.set(endBoundaryArray, bodyArray.length + imgfile.byteLength);

						const url = `${this.settings.baseUrl}/uploads.json`;
						const headers = {
							"Api-Key": this.settings.apiKey,
							"Api-Username": this.settings.disUser,
							"Content-Type": `multipart/form-data; boundary=${boundary}`

						const response = await requestUrl({
							url: url,
							method: "POST",
							body: formDataArray,
							throw: false,
							headers: headers,

						if (response.status == 200) {
							const jsonResponse = response.json();
							console.log(`Upload Image jsonResponse: ${JSON.stringify(jsonResponse)}`);
						} else {
							new NotifyUser(, `Error uploading image: ${response.status}`).open();
							console.error(`Error uploading image: ${JSON.stringify(response.json)}`);

Aye!! I did it!

	async uploadImages(imageReferences: string[]): Promise<string[]> {
		const imageUrls = [];
		for (const ref of imageReferences) {
			const filePath =,;
			if (filePath) {
				const file = as TFile;
				if (file) {
					try {
						const imgfile = await;
						const boundary = genBoundary();
						const sBoundary = '--' + boundary + '\r\n';
						const imgForm = `${sBoundary}Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="${}"\r\nContent-Type: image/${file.extension}\r\n\r\n`;

						let body = '';
						body += `\r\n${sBoundary}Content-Disposition: form-data; name="type"\r\n\r\ncomposer\r\n`;
						body += `${sBoundary}Content-Disposition: form-data; name="synchronous"\r\n\r\ntrue\r\n`;

						const eBoundary = '\r\n--' + boundary + '--\r\n';
						const imgFormArray = new TextEncoder().encode(imgForm);
						const bodyArray = new TextEncoder().encode(body);
						const endBoundaryArray = new TextEncoder().encode(eBoundary);

						const formDataArray = new Uint8Array(imgFormArray.length + imgfile.byteLength + bodyArray.length + endBoundaryArray.length);
						formDataArray.set(imgFormArray, 0);
						formDataArray.set(new Uint8Array(imgfile), imgFormArray.length);
						formDataArray.set(bodyArray, imgFormArray.length + imgfile.byteLength);
						formDataArray.set(endBoundaryArray, imgFormArray.length + bodyArray.length + imgfile.byteLength);

						const url = `${this.settings.baseUrl}/uploads.json`;
						const headers = {
							"Api-Key": this.settings.apiKey,
							"Api-Username": this.settings.disUser,
							"Content-Type": `multipart/form-data; boundary=${boundary}`,

						const response = await requestUrl({
							url: url,
							method: "POST",
							body: formDataArray.buffer,
							throw: false,
							headers: headers,

						if (response.status == 200) {
							const jsonResponse = response.json;
							console.log(`Upload Image jsonResponse: ${JSON.stringify(jsonResponse)}`);
						} else {
							new NotifyUser(, `Error uploading image: ${response.status}`).open();
							console.error(`Error uploading image: ${JSON.stringify(response.json)}`);
					} catch (error) {
						new NotifyUser(, `Exception while uploading image: ${error}`).open();
						console.error("Exception while uploading image:", error);
				} else {
					new NotifyUser(, `File not found in vault: ${ref}`).open();
					console.error(`File not found in vault: ${ref}`);
			} else {
				new NotifyUser(, `Unable to resolve file path for: ${ref}`).open();
				console.error(`Unable to resolve file path for: ${ref}`);
		return imageUrls;

The problem was the order in which I was constructing the form-data. I need it to go:

  • img params
  • img binary
  • params

I was previously putting the params ahead of the img.

I solved this by analyzing a successful upload using python:

import requests
from requests_toolbelt.multipart.encoder import MultipartEncoder
from requests.models import PreparedRequest

class Discourse:
    def __init__(self):
        self.base_url = "CENSORED"
        self.api_key = "CENSORED"
        self.api_username = "CENSORED"
        self.category = 2

    def post_uploads(self, file_path):
        headers = {
            "Content-Type": "multipart/form-data",
            "Api-Key": self.api_key,
            "Api-Username": self.api_username

        multi = MultipartEncoder(
            fields = {
                'file': ('filename', open(file_path, 'rb'), 'image/jpg'),
                'type': 'composer',
                'synchronous': 'true'

        headers['Content-Type'] = multi.content_type

        request = requests.Request(
            method = "POST",
            url = f"{self.base_url}/uploads.json",
            headers = headers,
            data = multi
        prepared_request = request.prepare()

        for k, v in prepared_request.headers.items():
            print(f"{k}: {v}")


        response =

        return response.json()

if __name__ == "__main__":
    ds = Discourse()
    response = ds.post_uploads("/home/tfinley/Pictures/face2.jpg")

Now how do I delete orphaned uploads ^_o


To my understanding, discourse will handle that for you:

Yep saw that. GG EZ WP

I’m late to the party, but I’ve written a third-party discourse-api for nodejs before:

With this library you can easily create uploads. Just do this:

const { DiscourseApi } = require("node-discourse-api");
const api = new DiscourseApi("");
api.options.api_username = "API_USERNAME";
api.options.api_key = "API_KEY";

api.createUpload(file_path_or_buffer, { filename: "filename" })

(Note: This library is not complete)


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