How to properly increase header height?

I’d like to increase the header height:

In order to display a bigger logo (the header would keep the default height on mobile).

I did some tries, but I didn’t achieve it since increasing the height (and the beneath content top margin so the header doesn’t override it with its increased height) would cause the sticky feature to glitch. It prevented to scroll or made the content “jump”.

Is there any proper way to increase the header height without breaking anything?

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Did you try adjusting

#main-outlet {
    padding-top: 5.8572em;

For example

.d-header {
    height: 8em;
#main-outlet {
    padding-top: 9.8572em;

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Yes I did. I should add that I want the header about twice as tall as the original height and keeping the default height when it is sticky (which may be the main issue).

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Well I did manage to do it.
I’m not sure why I encountered such blocking issues… There is still a bit of jumping but it’s just a few pixels so don’t see it if you’re not trying to see it by scrolling extrêmely slowly.
I also have custom content on top of the header so it may have played a role in the issue I encountered.

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