I’ve been customizing my theme in Admin -> Themes… Lots of CSS/HTML changes.
I also have a few Themes -> Uploads:
$Background-Tile-White: [WhiteCarbon50x50x2.png]
$Background-Tile-Black: [BlackCarbon50x50x2.png]
I’ve deleted “Background-Tile-Black” and “Background-Tile-White” and replaced them with new images, but I still see the old images are actually delivered. I’ve tried using another browser, clearing the cache, and restarting, so I don’t think it’s a browser caching issue.
By contrast, regular CSS changes happen very fast…
Anyone else had problems replacing resources in Themes -> Uploads?
When I inspect the element on the page, the OLD resource that I already deleted that was connected to $Background-Tile-White is pulled in rather than the new one…
I believe that’s a cache issue on the server side. I remember I ran into something similar to this and my workaround was to re-save my SCSS by adding a new line character and save it. Have you tried that?
I could’ve said that better. What I mean is change up your CSS a bit (something as simple as adding or removing a space or a new line will do) so that it becomes “different” from what it was and save your CSS.
I’ve experienced the same issue; updating the image for a trust level seems to have no effect. However, I’ve noticed if I change the flair position it works, unless I revert back to the original position it was in when I added the image. I’ve tried altering CSS and saving, but no dice.