Basically we have saved the theme from the backend and re-uploaded with the same name so we can edit the CSS.
Does this mean we won’t be able to do that in the future or is this a theme developer issue that we need not worry about and we will still be able to update.
Then, attach it to the official reddit-ish theme and move your CSS into this component.
This way, you get official updates while keeping your custom CSS.
This is not recommended at all, as you won’t be able to update the theme from the original repo.
You must do as Arkshine suggests: keep the original theme, and override the theme’s CSS in a new component. It’s not bad practice, it’s the recommended way.
Yeah ideally if you want to get free updates to the theme, you shouldn’t try to alter the original. Adding CSS overrides as mentioned above is the recommended way because it keeps your customization separate.
I’m going to try to update the theme this week to remove the template overrides