How to sort nav menu sections?

I created a custom section with a few useful links for the community. I wanted to set the section to be just below the categories section but i can’t find any option built in or theme component. Anyone can help?

Hi @Skeleton :wave:

You can use this CSS code here to do this:


Hi @Lilly :wave:

I used your CSS code to rearranged the order of the nav sections. It works well when the webpage in the full size.

However, I try to resize the webpage to a smaller width, the order settings in the CSS code are invaild. The last section turned to the second just like the following pic:

I found that the display: block; property of the sidebar-sections prevents the order from having an effect. Then, I try to add some code to the CSS code.

     display: flex;
     flex-direction: column;

And now the order of the sections is under controll.

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