Moving the personal chat section of the sidebar below the channels section

The personal chat part of the sidebar somehow ended up above the channels section on a forum that I’m an admin on, how could it be moved back to its original position?


Can set the order of the default navigation menu sections with this in common - css:

.sidebar-section-wrapper.sidebar-section[data-section-name="categories"] {
  order: 1; 
.sidebar-section-wrapper.sidebar-section[data-section-name="tags"] {
  order: 2; 
.sidebar-section-wrapper.sidebar-section[data-section-name="chat-dms"] {
  order: 3; 
.sidebar-section-wrapper.sidebar-section[data-section-name="chat-channels"] {
  order: 4; 
.sidebar-section-wrapper.sidebar-section[data-section-name="messages"] {
  order: 5; 

also can do with my navigation menu display control TC.


What caused it to change originally?

no idea, I didn’t notice that it changed. I tend to switch the order on my forums but the default is personal chat below channels as far as I know. Here on Meta it’s default, same as if you go into safe-mode and un-check Disable all client-side plugin customizations.


Disabling themes fixes it on our site, so now we just need to find the culprit.

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It seems like another admin added that theme component, I’ll ask about it


hah! well there you go. :grin:

I guess in the TC settings I had them switched by default, so I changed the component’s default to match now. sorry about that. If you update component, it will fix. Thanks for catching that. :slight_smile:


That would be me :sweat_smile:

I replaced two copies of the original menu modifier with that one, and didn’t notice that switch apparently.

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yea sorry guys that was on me. I didn’t even notice that I had them in the wrong order, although I was moving them around a lot when I was testing that setting.


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