How to Start a Google Crawl?

Its been a few days and I’ve not seen google crawling our forum. We have the main domain site map in google webmaster tool and have read on this forum that a site map for the sub domain is not needed. We current host with Discourse.

  1. How can I tell if Google Crawled our site?

  2. Where can i see a report with the results of the Crawl?

  3. What, if anything, can I do to initiate the Crawl?

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You can force a crawl at and see general crawl stats at


Thank you very much. This is helpful.

And this search with 132 results looks ok for me.

I am trying to do this for another community I have with Discourse:

Getting a “redirected” error and then I requested an indexing…is there anything else I should do?

http will indeed redirect, try https


ok, we’re in the clear. All good. Thank you.

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Your first port of call for anything google related should be the Google Webmaster Tools. Google Search Console.