How to update the crawled content from static site when static site embedding is enabled

I embeded my disocurse inside my blog. However, it seems Discours only crawl it once at the time it need to create the topic. Can I force it to update it content in the topic?

I have tried to delete the topic and refresh the blog, but the link at the bottom of my post still direct me to the deleted topic.

For example, first time I posts a wrong image link in my post (see screenshot below)

But when I fix the image link issue in my blog, the image inside the discourse topic is still broken. :frowning:

Therefore, I would like to know is there a way to force update the content inside the topic.

Does your blog have an RSS feed? If so, you can add that to Discourse and it will catch when entries are updated and update them.


Thanks for the response. My blog does have two RSS feed for both English and Chinese posts. Can you tell me where should I add the feed to Discourse? and how should I solve multilingual feed issue?

Thank you so much :smiley:

Oh that makes it significantly trickier. Do both languages post to Discourse or just one? Currently embedding’s RSS feed support expects your RSS feed to contain the same items that include the javascript to create embedded content.

You can add a RSS feed in Admin > Customing > Embedding

Both languages post to the same Discours site. I think probably is fine, because the post is the only entry to my Discours.

Thanks anyway. :smiley: