How would you improve the Discourse iOS App Experience?

  1. Do you use Discourse Hub on your Apple devices? How is your experience been with it?

Multiple times daily, mainly across two forums, with another two less frequently.

  1. If you could add just one feature, what would it be?

A unified inbox of all content denoted by badges, from all forums.

This would mean I can see more about each of the notifications and more wisely choose whether to spend the time to go into each forum or not.

Even better if I can action the content from the unified inbox.

Currently the app is fine but is still a bunch of separate stuff and not really as good a “hub” as it could be.

The best thing about the app that is it keeps the forums self-contained and stops them polluting Safari tabs. Even if this was the only thing it offered I’d still use it if there was no other way to keep the forums out of Safari.

also: bug, fixes