Huge amount of storage transactions

Thanks for clarification and your advice. indeed SMB can be very slow if it comes to accessing a lot of files. Most of the time it makes no difference as frequently accessed files got cached by nginx (we frequently apply the changes made to the discourse nginx sample config).
But when it comes to those peeks the performance drops.

We’re looking for other storage solutions for some time now. Using an external s3 (compatible) storage would may break parts of our security concept. Every instance/service involved (db, vm, storage, …) is bound to a private network and inaccessible from public internet. All public traffic is managed by an Azure Application Gateway.
Unfortunately Azure Blob Storage is not S3 compatible but we may should invest some time making use of it.
Current possible solutions are the Discourse Blob Storage plugin or using blobfuse directly inside the container.

Anyway. Thanks for your time and help. Is there a reason why upload size will be checked daily and is there a way to turn that off?

Kind Regards

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