Human-driven copy-paste spam

Yes, one of the major parts of the SE review queues is “improve post by editing it”, but that’s not really a blocker when what you’re concerned about is spam - you really just need a “seems good” / “flag” / “escalate”1 decision, and limit what kinds of things get in the queue in the first place - you’re looking for “spammer”, not “low quality post”.

1: “escalate” is referring to “I need a second on this” / “I don’t feel comfortable making this decision on my own”. One implementation would be to open the composer to a new #lounge topic linking to the post under review, and have the reviewer write in their concerns. “Is this a new wave of spam?”

edit: hey actually that ^ seems like a good button to put on the admin flag queue page, targetting the #staff category instead…

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