I got an error after updating my forked install

I did not upgrade postgres and something else.
I just want to upgrade discourse and did rebuild app

I do not know the cause of this error, but the profile picture of the user whose profile image has not been set is no longer displayed like below :disappointed_relieved:

I have not solved the problem that I can not upgrade yet.

@Stephen @pfaffman

This is response from “./launcher rebuild app”.
Sharing with google docs due to limited number of characters

I tried it variously, but I can not solve it yet.

The topic has become redundant, so I will summarize it.

  • I installed Discourse following the official way.
  • The plugins I am introducing are discourse-adplugin and docker_manager.
  • The link below is response from “./launcher rebuild app”, after moving to “/var/discourse” and executing “git pull”.

Since the error sentence has been lengthened, I wrote it in google docs.
Please give me some advice…

@pfaffman @Stephen
Do you have any ideas?

Please run

git remote -v

And paste the output here.

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Thank you for your reply

root@bbs:/var/discourse# git remote -v
origin https://github.com/sudo/bbs_ytmura.git (fetch)
origin https://github.com/sudo/bbs_ytmura.git (push)

※“sudo” is a temporary name for githubID

Why did you fork our discourse_docker repository!?

This isn’t an install that followed our Install Guide so there isn’t much we can do here.


I intended to do so, but it does not seem to be done. I’m sorry.

Is it possible to change it now?

By the way, I was able to update until the previous time, but it seems I cannot do it from this time.

It will be very hard to give any advice, since you didn’t follow the guide and didn’t give the real output of the git remote -v.


I see … I seem to have cloned this on my private repository several months ago…

Do you think that there is a problem when updating the latest version of this to my private repository, and rebuild app?

Stop pointing to a fork, and point to the official repo.


Ok … but I can not find a way to update a private repository that I incorrectly cloned…

git remote set-url origin https://github.com/discourse/discourse_docker.git
git pull
./launcher rebuild app

That works!! Thank you so much @Falco :sob::sob::sob: