What seems a small glitch: Icons don’t show, when the color is not defined. E.g. on this screenshot the first category has an icon defined, but no color. Then the icon is not shown:
The downside to defining all icons with colors is that icons then won’t show with inherited colors on the list views (accent when the topic is unread/ dimmed down when the topic is read). E.g. here the Announcements icon shows with inherited color, while as the icon with defined color always stays the same:
I think icons should just show on the sidebar with the default icon color for the sidebar. Then it’s up to the user if they want to define a static color or not.
Yes, but it breaks the existing definitions (I have quite a few).
@nolo Would you be so kind and include the test for categoryColo(u)r so that we don’t need to manually fix all definitions in all existing instances? Thanks in advance!
Ok, there’s quite some stuff going on here with colors
So actually the declaration is obsolete on both the default badges and on the sidebar. Just on the default badges it fails silently as it’s applied to an inline style: