Images being cropped on mobile

When posting on community forum, any images I upload in topics are cropped on the right hand side when viewing on mobile and I can’t figure out why?

The settings show 690 x 500 dimensions as responsive and they work on desktop, just not when viewing on mobile.

Can anyone help me out with a fix please!

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This might be an issue with a theme on the site you’re using. Can you replicate this here or on You could also try safe-mode on the site you’re having trouble with.


Thanks for that, not quite sure how to replicate. So, for reference, I thought it may be helpful to give an example - here is one of the posts on our community page: We’re returning to Fully Charged Live for 2022! - Onto News and Updates - Onto Community

Shows up fine on desktop but as soon as it’s opened on mobile it’s cropped on the right. Let me know if you can tell whether it’s a theme issue. Thanks!!

It seems to work fine in safe mode:

That makes me think it’s something in your custom mobile theme that’s possibly interfering. Is there anything in there that stands out?