Images imported from phpBB have artefact lines

Running a test to import an incredibly old community from phpBB to Discourse. The import happens, but a lot of the images ended up with artefact lines across them or were it seems had a poor compression.

This particular community requires high quality images. Is there a way to control how images are imported into discourse?

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There are settings that control the compression. Also, the compressed images should allow seeing the full resolution image of you click them.

And also, also, it’s likely that there are still processes queued to process those images, so what you’re setting might not be what you’ll get. You can look at /sidekiq to see the queue.


Mind giving me a direction to look into docs for that?

In my first test migration, sidekiq showed everything as processed and nothing in queue.

Maybe here:

I may not have explained myself clearly enough. The image issues I am seeing are what happens to the images after importing from phpbb. Would the import process have any configuration settings for images during the import process.

If it happens after they are imported, those are the settings.

If they get broken when they are imported, then it could be an issue with the script or your environment. You can do stuff like check the images that are on the filesystem before they are imported–or are they in the database?

All files on the system. This particular forum phpbb forum has 122,667 images. They do look okay on the current phpbb. Hence my curiosity about if the had any specific extra commands or things to modify how images were handled during the import. :slight_smile: