Images suddenly broken, even after re-uploading


I recently moved my site from Discourse to DigitalOcean. Everything looked great after the migration, but for the last few days all my images appear broken. I even tried to upload the images from scratch, but they’re still broken.
The image displays a sleek, geometric design resembling two interlinked circles or loops, rendered in a grayscale color scheme against a white background. (Captioned by AI)

My logo initially also didn’t reflect, but I somehow managed to fix that by using a larger image, thank goodness.

I unfortunately don’t really have any dev background, so any advice on why this is happening and what I can do to fix this would really be appreciated!

An example can be seen at the link below:



I can see you’re still using the Discourse Global CDN. If you’re moving away from Discourse Hosting, I expect the CDN to invalidate the access. :thinking:

Unless I’m wrong above, I would edit app.yml and comment on the line with DISCOURSE_CDN_URL to remove the usage of a CDN, then rebuild Discourse.


I also think you may need to rebake all your posts with images after you rebuild. :thinking:


You likely got a backup that was taken before they changed the setting to include the images in the backup. Was the file a .tar.gz or a .sql.gz?

I’ve had this issue in the past. It may still be possible to get them to make those files available either on their bucket or in a backup file of some sort. Getting it straightened out can be tricky.


It was a .tar file. The images showed fine initially, but now that you mention it I’m wondering if it started showing as broken once my Discourse account expired.
Then again, should it not be fixed then if I manually upload images to replace the old ones? Because even new images that I try to upload don’t want to work…

That’s what it looks like.

The database still references the images on the Discourse S3 bucket/CDN, so putting them in local storage is not enough. The database needs to be updated to point to the local storage. There are some topics about how to do that, but it’s fairly involved and requires some understanding of Rails and how the images are stored. If you have a budget you can ask in marketplace or contact me.

If new images aren’t working then you have a problem with your installation that is separate from the problem discussed above.