Imgur API for Images

It is good to use Imgur API to host images which are posted by the user. It is used by various companies like StackOverflow and NodeBB.


This would require a plugin and has certain drawbacks cause third party free services have a habit of nuking images over time.


please develop plugin for this, that would be awesome, it helps us to reduce server storage!


We have no plans to build this, if you would like it built perhaps do a post on #marketplace


You may want to consider amazon s3 for uploads which is already supported by discourse.


but imgur is free for all


It would be perfect :frowning: No more problems with cloud storage etc, every forum software has plugin or the option to upload images to imgur

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Yes i want the same feature, we need imgur or some other 3rd party free image hosting or cdn for auto upload on discourse to save server storage space on our forum.

Or suggest me the cheapest and easiest available option to host my discourse images. I dont want to flood my own server space as users are uploading many images.

@sam I really think this will help in scaling discourse. I have been using nodebb and hosting all my user images on imgur CDN and it’s been running fine since last 5 years. I never have to worry about my own server storage and my forum traffic is huge.

As I’m expanding my traffic on discourse I really need something to host images externally else it will be a night mare to

  1. buy expensive storage space
  2. migration issues of big DB
  3. backup issues and take too long coz of so many images
  4. its hassle especially if forum traffic goes in millions