What would you like done?
Hi, I want to import CSV into Discourse as TOPICS, There are a total of 6 CSV, and each CSV having approximately 4000 Rows, or you can say 4000 Topics. Each CSV has 7 columns, which I created just to assign them as Title of the Topic, Topic Category, Tags, and Topic Content.
I am not an expert on this, So all I am looking for someone who can create a script, which I can run and import stuff myself if it’s easy,
When do you need it done?
I am not sure how much time this all would take, But after researching on Discourse Community Forum, I got so many topics where people mentioned that there are scripts available on Github, and we can use them to import stuff, so if that is the case then I don’t think it will take more than few hours to create a script,
What is your budget, in $ USD that you can offer for this task?
As it’s a Non-Profit Organization, totally Non Profit, we’re limited on our budget, But still I am happy to pay for your hours, Or if you’re company I will mention about your website, on my website as a Creator, so you can get credit