Migrate a mailing list to Discourse (mbox, Listserv, Google Groups, etc)

I’m trying to download Google Groups and am getting

Failed to login. Please check the content of your cookies.txt

I used the recommended Firefox extension to download the cookies. Once yesterday and again today. I’ve confirmed that it’s reading the file by renaming it to something wrong and getting a “not found” error. I downloaded all the cookies, not just google ones. I logged out and back in and downloaded the cookies again.

I can see that I’m a manager because I have the “manage group” options.

I’ve triple-rechecked that I’m using the right group name by copy-pasting and seeing that it’s a group name format and not a domain name one.

Is something broken or is it just me?

@gerhard, sorry for the call-out, but have you a quick suggestion on how to debug this? Maybe a login endpoint has changed?

EDIT: Found it. I’ll submit a PR shortly. The endpoint for login changed and I managed to guess the new one. :slight_smile:


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