Migrate a mailing list to Discourse (mbox, Listserv, Google Groups, etc)

@gerhard any ideas how to adapt these instructions to using a dev install rather than the standard installation? I feel like I’ve come close to getting a listserv migration working using just a few commands, but I can’t get what I assume is the last step to work using either of:

ruby /src/script/import_scripts/mbox.rb ~/import/settings.yml
bundle exec ruby /src/script/import_scripts/mbox.rb /home/discourse/import/settings.yml

Both fail to pull in all dependencies. See here for the full set of commands I used and the errors. Any ideas? Missing some d/bundle calls perhaps?

Next thing I will try is using an Ubuntu VM and doing a “standard install” there but this seems a bit overkill given the dev install otherwise works quite nicely.

I am a total discourse (and ruby, and mostly docker) newbie, so sorry if this is obvious or (worse) irrelevant!