Improved UX for external quotes

I agree that quoting off topic is not terribly common, however linking off topic by simply pasting a link is common enough.

The code path for linking off topic and quoting off topic is pretty much identical, in both case we use the same renderer:

[quote="codinghorror, post:3, topic:13999"]
Yeah there is still a lot of work to do in this area cc: @eviltrout 

I started patching this up here:

I do feel this is ripe for a review when we move to the new Markdown engine

  • Preview don’t work right cause of Zalgo API

  • The whole quote format is not robust enough to handle topic moves.

  • We do not support the ability to quote (or onebox) secure topics and get title expansions cause applying security is a nightmare. (do all the users looking at this topic have permission to see the other topic? very hard to answer)

  • This ?