Inconsistent spacing between titles and usernames

On Replit Ask, usernames and titles have inconsistent spacing between them.
Some titles, like Junior Moderator, or Solution Institution have this, while some like Ask Community Moderator and Champion don’t.

May I add that Know-it-all is not oddly spaced, positioned right below the username.

You need to reach out to the admins at Replit because it is theme related. They control that.

Hi @HAWK , thanks for reaching out.
Firstly, I have reproduced this bug on the Discourse (Dark) theme as well. I don’t think it’s related to the theme that I was using.
Secondly, @not-ethan was the one who suggested I make a topic here.

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What do you reckon has caused this?

Have you told the replit site admins about this?

Doesn’t seem like too much of a problem the line spacing.

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Not too sure on this one.

A moderator is aware, but I can raise it to the admins.

Sorry, could you explain this? I may have misinterpreted its meaning.

There being inconsistent spacing doesn’t seem like a major problem is the meaning of that statement, but may be there is a bug with themes or something else.

To diagnose what has caused this, are you able to run any tests or try changing the title and username formatting?

Looks like that is mobile view formatting, on desktop the title and username are in the same line:


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I tried changing my title to Champion, but the odd spacing is still there.
Could be that it only applies to some users.
I contemplated the fact that it was an update, but I doubt it.
And yes, I am using mobile on Chrome.

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