Incorrect reaction shows when deleting post

When a reply is made, and reacted with someone other than :heart:, let’s say :question:, and that reply is deleted and hidden as the user is TL4, for example, the post (to the TL4) is highlighred in all red, to signify it’s deletion. However, the reaction shown there is a :heart:, not a :question:.
Bfore deletion:

After deletion:

When reversing the action, the original reaction is back.
I have tested this with the :person_shrugging: reaction and the result is the same as above.

So what is your concern? If the post is deleted does it matter?


Hi @HAWK !
I was just pointing out that it is a bug, though I admit that it is trivial. Not too much of a concern, but could confuse the user.

As it doesn’t cause anything to break I’ve slipped it over to ux :+1:

It’s likely that this won’t be prioritised, but it’s good to have a note of it in case someone else raises it in the future. :heart: