There is a possible bug in the warning being displayed on the admin menu of Discourse 2.7.0.beta1 ( 53f4d54f23 )
The warning reads:
- The server is configured to upload files to S3, but at least one the following setting is not set: s3_access_key_id, s3_secret_access_key, s3_use_iam_profile, or s3_upload_bucket. Go to the Site Settings and update the settings. See “How to set up image uploads to S3?” to learn more.
In my settings, the following are set:
- s3_access_key_id
- s3_secret_access_key
- s3_upload_bucket
This one is not set, and is probably triggering the warning:
- s3_use_iam_profile
The details of this setting say:
Use an AWS EC2 instance profile to grant access to the S3 bucket. NOTE: enabling this requires Discourse to be running in an appropriately-configured EC2 instance, and overrides the “s3 access key id” and “s3 secret access key” settings.
However, my Discourse is not running in an appropriately-configured EC2 instance so I therefore don’t want it to override the “s3 access key id” and “s3 secret access key” settings. My Discourse is running on Digital Ocean.
So this option, for me, is correctly not enabled.
Which I think means the warning displayed on the admin panel should not be displayed in this scenario?
My S3 uploads are still working fine and have been for years with no changes made anywhere