Insert the hbs template into the plugin outlet on the page -> user-preferences-interface to user-preferences-account

Hello, when I want to add to the user-preferences-account so that users can choose whether they want dark mode or light mode, I try to add it using the code below and put it there using the plugin outlet, the problem is that it doesn’t show for selection, the code is not functional. Can you advise me how I could put it there? it is very important to me

well thank you

{{#if showColorSchemeSelector}}
  <fieldset class="control-group color-scheme">
    <legend class="control-label">{{i18n "user.color_scheme"}}</legend>
    <div class="control-subgroup light-color-scheme">
      {{#if showDarkColorSchemeSelector}}
        <div class="instructions">{{i18n "user.color_schemes.regular" }}</div>
      <div class="controls">
          onChange=(action "loadColorScheme")
    {{#if showDarkColorSchemeSelector}}
      <div class="control-subgroup dark-color-scheme">
        <div class="instructions">{{i18n "user.color_schemes.dark" }}</div>
        <div class="controls">
            onChange=(action "loadDarkColorScheme")}}

      <div class="instructions">
        {{i18n "user.color_schemes.dark_instructions" }}

    {{#if previewingColorScheme}}
      {{#if previewingColorScheme}}
        {{d-button action=(action "undoColorSchemePreview") label="user.color_schemes.undo" icon="undo" class="btn-default btn-small undo-preview"}}

      <div class="controls color-scheme-checkbox">
        {{preference-checkbox labelKey="user.color_scheme_default_on_all_devices" checked=makeColorSchemeDefault}}

I want to paste this code here so that it works properly

<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="/connectors/user-preferences-account/terajsok-custom-user-preferences"> </script>

does anyone know how to do such interventions?


Yeah I think that is not going to work like this. I suggest to read the Developer’s guide to Discourse Themes.

If I understand it correctly you want to move this section from interface page :arrow_down_small:

To the account page here :arrow_down_small:

1 Like

Yes, that’s exactly what i want to do. Could you help me with that? I’ve already read the topic you suggested but it didn’t help me in this particular case

Is it possible to move ALL user preferences into a single page? I guess it worked like this in previous versions of discourse.

I already covered part of why this may not work here:

You can’t expect this would work without considering the Controllers or Component JS.

Moving just interface template elements between routes is unlikely to work unless you take account of that, ie the template may be relying on:

  • computed properties
  • actions
  • serialised data
  • etc
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Hello, I’m part of Juraj’s team,

yes, we already found that out - also by editing an existing plugin to include the user interface preference. (including the hbs template and js controller). I guess the only way out is to create a new user preferences page where we include only the preferences we want to display. How do we import existing functions so that it works with our custom preferences page?

A plugin outlet should be fine so long as it passes the required model.

within that outlet you will need to duplicate all the required JS elements from the source

Here’s an example of some JS setting up a Controller within a plugin outlet:

You can avoid this rather non-standard way of defining a Controller by doing everything within a Component, e.g. like so:

1 Like

Thank you for your reply. However at this point we’re at this:

<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="/connectors/user-preferences-account/tg-custom-prefs">

<fieldset class="control-group color-scheme">
    <legend class="control-label">{{i18n "user.color_scheme"}}</legend>
    <div class="control-subgroup light-color-scheme">
      <div class="controls">
        <ComboBox @content={{this.userSelectableColorSchemes}} @value={{this.selectedColorSchemeId}} @onChange={{action "loadColorScheme"}} @options={{hash
          }} />

it’s the code copied from the interface.hbs template. I cannot insert any JS into this component script. Where do i put the setupComponent function?

Copy the file structure of the linked plugins (or if using a Theme Component you can use an example Theme Component written to up-to-date standards).

Don’t use these script tags, use a proper javascript file structure, it’s more professional (and arguably easier to maintain).

1 Like

So basically I created a theme component with the following files


i pasted the relevant hbs code into the template and copied the whole javascript code from the user preferences - interface controller. I’m getting the same result as when pasting it directly into a tag. I don’t think i understand what you meant by the example JS setting up a controller within a plugin outlet.

suggest you push your code to Github and share if at all possible.

I assume this is a typo, should be either .js or .js.es6

be a little careful with your terminology, it’s either a Theme Component or a Plugin.

1 Like

Sorry, yes I meant js.es6. Yes it’s a theme component.

I don’t have the theme component uploaded on github.


  "name": "Component Test",
  "component": true,
  "license_url": null,
  "about_url": null,
  "authors": null,
  "theme_version": null,
  "minimum_discourse_version": null,
  "maximum_discourse_version": null,
  "assets": {
  "color_schemes": {
  "modifiers": {
  "learn_more": ""


<fieldset class="control-group color-scheme">
    <legend class="control-label">{{i18n "user.color_scheme"}}</legend>
    <div class="control-subgroup light-color-scheme">
      <div class="controls">
        <ComboBox @content={{this.userSelectableColorSchemes}} @value={{this.selectedColorSchemeId}} @onChange={{action "loadColorScheme"}} @options={{hash
          }} />


import Controller, { inject as controller } from "@ember/controller";
import Session from "discourse/models/session";
import { setDefaultHomepage } from "discourse/lib/utilities";
import {
} from "discourse/lib/color-scheme-picker";
import { listThemes, setLocalTheme } from "discourse/lib/theme-selector";
import { not, reads } from "@ember/object/computed";
import I18n from "I18n";
import { computed } from "@ember/object";
import discourseComputed from "discourse-common/utils/decorators";
import { popupAjaxError } from "discourse/lib/ajax-error";
import { reload } from "discourse/helpers/page-reloader";
import { propertyEqual } from "discourse/lib/computed";

const USER_HOMES = {
  1: "latest",
  2: "categories",
  3: "unread",
  4: "new",
  5: "top",
  6: "bookmarks",
  7: "unseen",

const TEXT_SIZES = ["smallest", "smaller", "normal", "larger", "largest"];
const TITLE_COUNT_MODES = ["notifications", "contextual"];

export default Controller.extend({
  currentThemeId: -1,
  previewingColorScheme: false,
  selectedDarkColorSchemeId: null,
  preferencesController: controller("preferences"),
  makeColorSchemeDefault: true,
  canPreviewColorScheme: propertyEqual("", ""),

  init() {

    this.set("selectedDarkColorSchemeId", this.session.userDarkSchemeId);

  saveAttrNames(makeThemeDefault) {
    let attrs = [

    if (makeThemeDefault) {

    return attrs;

  availableLocales() {
    return JSON.parse(this.siteSettings.available_locales);

  defaultDarkSchemeId() {
    return this.siteSettings.default_dark_mode_color_scheme_id;

  textSizes() {
    return => {
      return { name: I18n.t(`user.text_size.${value}`), value };

  homepageId: computed(
    function () {
      return (
        this.model.user_option.homepage_id ||

  titleCountModes() {
    return => {
      return { name: I18n.t(`user.title_count_mode.${value}`), value };

  userSelectableThemes() {
    return listThemes(;

  showThemeSelector(themes) {
    return themes && themes.length > 1;

  themeIdChanged(themeId) {
    if (this.currentThemeId === -1) {
      this.set("currentThemeId", themeId);
      return false;
    } else {
      return this.currentThemeId !== themeId;

  userSelectableColorSchemes() {
    return listColorSchemes(;

  showColorSchemeSelector: reads("userSelectableColorSchemes.length"),
  selectedColorSchemeNoneLabel: I18n.t(

  currentSchemeCanBeSelected(userThemes, userColorSchemes, themeId) {
    if (!userThemes || !themeId) {
      return false;

    const theme = userThemes.findBy("id", themeId);
    if (!theme) {
      return false;

    return userColorSchemes.findBy("id", theme.color_scheme_id);

  showColorSchemeNoneItem: not("currentSchemeCanBeSelected"),

  @discourseComputed("model.user_option.theme_ids", "themeId")
  showThemeSetDefault(userOptionThemes, selectedTheme) {
    return !userOptionThemes || userOptionThemes[0] !== selectedTheme;

  @discourseComputed("model.user_option.text_size", "textSize")
  showTextSetDefault(userOptionTextSize, selectedTextSize) {
    return userOptionTextSize !== selectedTextSize;

  homeChanged() {
    const siteHome = this.siteSettings.top_menu.split("|")[0].split(",")[0];
    const userHome = USER_HOMES[this.get("model.user_option.homepage_id")];

    setDefaultHomepage(userHome || siteHome);

  userSelectableHome() {
    let homeValues = {};
    Object.keys(USER_HOMES).forEach((newValue) => {
      const newKey = USER_HOMES[newValue];
      homeValues[newKey] = newValue;

    let result = [];
    this.siteSettings.top_menu.split("|").forEach((m) => {
      let id = homeValues[m];
      if (id) {
        result.push({ name: I18n.t(`filters.${m}.title`), value: Number(id) });
    return result;

  showDarkModeToggle() {
    return this.defaultDarkSchemeId > 0 && !this.showDarkColorSchemeSelector;

  userSelectableDarkColorSchemes() {
    return listColorSchemes(, {
      darkOnly: true,

  showDarkColorSchemeSelector(darkSchemes) {
    // when a default dark scheme is set
    // dropdown has two items (disable / use site default)
    // but we show a checkbox in that case
    const minToShow = this.defaultDarkSchemeId > 0 ? 2 : 1;
    return darkSchemes && darkSchemes.length > minToShow;

  enableDarkMode: computed({
    set(key, value) {
      return value;
    get() {
      return this.get("model.user_option.dark_scheme_id") === -1 ? false : true;

  selectedColorSchemeId: computed({
    set(key, value) {
      return value;
    get() {
      if (!this.session.userColorSchemeId) {

      const theme = this.userSelectableThemes?.findBy("id", this.themeId);

      // we don't want to display the numeric ID of a scheme
      // when it is set by the theme but not marked as user selectable
      if (
        theme?.color_scheme_id === this.session.userColorSchemeId &&
      ) {
      } else {
        return this.session.userColorSchemeId;

  actions: {
    save() {
      this.set("saved", false);
      const makeThemeDefault = this.makeThemeDefault;
      if (makeThemeDefault) {
        this.set("model.user_option.theme_ids", [this.themeId]);

      const makeTextSizeDefault = this.makeTextSizeDefault;
      if (makeTextSizeDefault) {
        this.set("model.user_option.text_size", this.textSize);

      if (!this.showColorSchemeSelector) {
        this.set("model.user_option.color_scheme_id", null);
      } else if (this.makeColorSchemeDefault) {

      if (this.showDarkModeToggle) {
          this.enableDarkMode ? null : -1
      } else {
        // if chosen dark scheme matches site dark scheme, no need to store
        if (
          this.defaultDarkSchemeId > 0 &&
          this.selectedDarkColorSchemeId === this.defaultDarkSchemeId
        ) {
          this.set("model.user_option.dark_scheme_id", null);
        } else {

      return this.model
        .then(() => {
          this.set("saved", true);

          if (makeThemeDefault) {
          } else {
          if (makeTextSizeDefault) {
          } else {

          if (this.makeColorSchemeDefault) {
            updateColorSchemeCookie(null, { dark: true });
          } else {

            if (
              this.defaultDarkSchemeId > 0 &&
              this.selectedDarkColorSchemeId === this.defaultDarkSchemeId
            ) {
              updateColorSchemeCookie(null, { dark: true });
            } else {
              updateColorSchemeCookie(this.selectedDarkColorSchemeId, {
                dark: true,


          if (this.themeId !== this.currentThemeId) {

    selectTextSize(newSize) {
      const classList = document.documentElement.classList;

      TEXT_SIZES.forEach((name) => {
        const className = `text-size-${name}`;
        if (newSize === name) {
        } else {

      // Force refresh when leaving this screen
      this.session.requiresRefresh = true;
      this.set("textSize", newSize);

    loadColorScheme(colorSchemeId) {
        selectedColorSchemeId: colorSchemeId,
        previewingColorScheme: this.canPreviewColorScheme,

      if (!this.canPreviewColorScheme) {

      if (colorSchemeId < 0) {
        const defaultTheme = this.userSelectableThemes.findBy(

        if (defaultTheme && defaultTheme.color_scheme_id) {
          colorSchemeId = defaultTheme.color_scheme_id;
      loadColorSchemeStylesheet(colorSchemeId, this.themeId);
      if (this.selectedDarkColorSchemeId === -1) {
        // set this same scheme for dark mode preview when dark scheme is disabled
        loadColorSchemeStylesheet(colorSchemeId, this.themeId, true);

    loadDarkColorScheme(colorSchemeId) {
        selectedDarkColorSchemeId: colorSchemeId,
        previewingColorScheme: this.canPreviewColorScheme,

      if (!this.canPreviewColorScheme) {

      if (colorSchemeId === -1) {
        // load preview of regular scheme when dark scheme is disabled
        Session.currentProp("darkModeAvailable", false);
      } else {
        loadColorSchemeStylesheet(colorSchemeId, this.themeId, true);
        Session.currentProp("darkModeAvailable", true);

    undoColorSchemePreview() {
        selectedColorSchemeId: this.session.userColorSchemeId,
        selectedDarkColorSchemeId: this.session.userDarkSchemeId,
        previewingColorScheme: false,
      const darkStylesheet = document.querySelector("link#cs-preview-dark"),
        lightStylesheet = document.querySelector("link#cs-preview-light");
      if (darkStylesheet) {

      if (lightStylesheet) {

This is all I have, directly copied from the original files.

First thing you should look at: any errors in console?

My friend, “directly copying” probably won’t work in a lot of cases. You need to understand what you are doing and do that.

export default Controller.extend({

This is case in point. This probably won’t work in this particularly context.

Like I suggested, please look at the example code I shared.

this is more like what you need:

export default {
  setupComponent(args, component) {

because it is a connector

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Thank you for your help. No I don’t see any errors in console and that’s the first thing i always check since i can see what is missing in the code there.

I replaced the javascript with only the two functions you sent but I don’t know what to take from the example you provided. Like I said, I’m not sure what to implement since I’m not seeing any errors in the console.