Inserting basic features to theme

I use a theme I found on Github. For some reason they didn’t allow the following box:


They also didn’t include the special bar at the side of each post which can be used to scroll down (as the one here).

Is there a special way to include it, without entering the code? if not, is it possible to point me where it usually should be?
Thank you very much.

To answer this question one would need to guess which theme on GitHub you might be describing.

There are a lot of them.

If you’d like help, it would be wise to include some more information about what you are trying to accomplish as well as how.


@pfaffman Yes sorry. I’m using the following theme - link.
I had a more general question. I thought maybe it has a switch that could be turn on and off if wanted to include that box and that scroll line. But maybe i’m mistake.
Thank you for the reply. How can I continue from here?

Has anyone got an update on that?