Installing discourse for free?

It will effect existing users. Notifications are a must.

imho, just solve the financial problem! Crowd fund, work, do whatever.

There are none :slightly_smiling_face:

I will. Guess anyways I have to pay only, no free options left.

I mean we all have good paying jobs, we can easily afford setting up the whole thing individually, but just don’t want to :slightly_smiling_face:

Sorry, you’ve just contradicted yourself within 3 posts?

So limited users = none?

I mean tge forum isn’t even made yet, how could there be existing users??!

They could check the forum itself instead of opening emails to see notifications. That’s what I meant by disabling notifications, no notifications on emails. Or perhaps I am getting it wrong.

“we have limited users” is present tense … so I was referring to your starting set: is that not obvious?

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My English grammer is no good :slightly_smiling_face:
I didn’t understand, it’s my second language

So now, we are going to have limited users.

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My 2 cents:
I’ve been a sysadmin for 30 years, switched to DevOps about 13 years ago, I have maintained my own server al these years so the setup of discourse 3 months ago was no biggy for me, expecially that now it’s done in docker, and yet it did take about 3 days to finalize the email interface issues.

running your own server these days, even with DKIM, SPF and all the other TLAs, it’s still impossible to stay afloat and not fall into an RBL just because some big faceless corp decided to block a Class B your VPS is sitting in at a data center across the world. There’s no escaping paying for a relay service. I looked as a few, I use mailjet for my own mail but the free tier was not enough and the price cliff is pretty painful for my pocket. I discovered AWS SES was the cheapest solution and it worked great ever since. I wish I could use it for all my emails, but it’s not really made for that.


I don’t have post via email enabled which would probably add cost but I’ve been running my site for 5 years with Mailgun for a grand total of $0

I mean…or you could just host it on DigitalOcean for $15 a month and skip all of that

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There isn’t any added cost for post or reply by e-mail.

Good to know about that for mailgun, Brevo free plan is a little more capped at 300 per day for free tier (no limit for $9/month plan).

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Good to know that, i avoid the money thing… People say the more you use it, the poor you get :upside_down_face:

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This is the way to setup a mail-receiver:


There’s a deal now with aws. You spent $1 and get $750. Credits expires in 12 months.



Thanks, I will try to get it. One thing I understand now, is that everything has a cost but one thing :slightly_smiling_face:
You gotta buy a ring for ya girl
You gotta buy a car for ya mom
You gotta buy a house for ya dad
You gotta buy nothing for the homies :upside_down_face:

Btw, does it accept american express credit cardcard?

For the Amazon Web Service promotion there they don’t ask for a payment card for the application, but can take 10 days to review applicants before knowing if account is approved.

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I believe they would understand I am not a AI :slightly_smiling_face:

From what I have learnt in the past days,
I believe there should finally be a option of hosting through discourse under a subdomain. It is definitely very hard to setup a forum and managing it as a newbie, plus you have to get one more tech savvy guy to be a extra helper. Definitely have limitations, but hosting through discourse is now more viable than else.

Maybe integrating ads in those forums could generate revenue too.

Most, if not all, hosting services provide the option to expose your forum via your own domain.


That’s exactly what I want to ignore, exposure. Considering we are going to have limited known users, we don’t need any exposure.

Plus, the user should be self responsible for increasing the exposure of their site if they need it, because any of the forums couldn’t legally guarantee that exposure, it would at least need a good idea to keep up that forum.

My suggestions also go over the point of user easability, a forum hosted through discourse, no install, subdomain, etc.
This has no hassle that it would usually take. And a phone would be enough for creating a forum then.

You’re basically saying, “they will shoutout your name that you are a roll’s royce owner if you buy one, even though when your corolla is cheaper, reliable and faster, and the rolls Royce only has comfort”
You obviously would expect those things when you are spending money :slightly_smiling_face:

No, that’s not what I meant.

Who doesn’t want a personalised domain for their forum?


I guess… Those who don’t want to pay :man_shrugging:

Obviously everyone wants there own domain, but the question arises when you need to spend money.

Basically, you obviously get perks for spending money.